1.12 & 1.14 Addons & UI
Press Ctrl + F to search what you need.
After downloading, extract the folder inside WoW / Interface / AddOns.
Now the .toc file inside the folder should match the folder name (WoW / Interface / AddOns / ADDONNAME / ADDONNAME.toc).
Make sure the actual addon isn’t contained inside another folder like so: ADDONNAME-master / ADDONNAME / ADDONNAME.toc
Featured addons:
- UI Replacement: pfUI
- Improved Default Interface: ShaguTweaks
- Warcraft 3 UI: WIIIUI + ExtraResourceBars
- Damage Meter: ShaguDPS
- Quest Helper: pfQuest
Abraxas - Warlock Helper[Img1]
aBindings - Direct macrotext-to-key bindings
ActionBarProfiles - stores your action bar layout and enables to quickly switch between them[Img1]
ActionButtonUtils - Retail-like glowing for WoW 1.12 ActionButtons
ActionMirroringFrame - Display a frame showing used actions[Img1]
Altoholic Vanilla - Provides information about your alts[Img1]
Atlas - an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed [Img1] [2]
ABreathBeneath - a “reskin” of the Blizzard’s nameplates[Img1]
Aero - Adds animations to frames[Img1]
Accountant - tracks your incoming / outgoing cash[Img1]
aDF - will show your target’s current armor and a few selected debuffs of your choice[Img1][Img2]
_AntInvite - block invitation of people under level 15[Img1]
AuldLangSyne - combines the functions of CT_PlayerNotes and FriendsFacts
_AutoBG - auto-queue, join, leave battlegrounds & instant spirit release
AutoDB - Automatically does /db chests and /db rares for pfQuest users.
AutoDot - addon for warlocks who wants one button for all dots
AutoDecline - Automatically decline (block) all guild, party, duel invites, as well as guild charters.
Autohump - Hump your friends all day long!
AutoShot - Automatically take screenshots
Aux - Overhaul auction house interface[Vid1]
AuxMerchantPrices - Adds merchant prices to tooltips
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow - replacement for Blizzards trade skill window[/URL]
AddOnOrganizer - This mod allows you to turn on and off all of your current addons[Img1]
agUnitFramesImproved - Customizable unit frame addon
AnnounceKick - Very simple rogue addon that announces “Kick” in say chat
AntiSpamStopCast - addon to prevent cancellation of fresh spell casts when mashing the button
ArchiTotem - Totem bar and Timers[Img1]
AuctionAltBuy - Alt-Click auctions to buy and cancel instantly
Auctionator - A lightweight addon designed to help manage auctions[Img1]
Auctioneer - Displays item info and analyzes auction data [Img1] [2]
AuctionHelper - helps you transfer items through the neutral auction house[Img1]
AuctionLink - allows you to search for items in the AH by shift-clicking them
AuctionSearchTimer - Timer that shows when you can refresh the AH[Img1]
AutoProfit - Easy sell trash to vendor WoW addon
AutoMessage - Allows automatic sending of a message to a channel at an interval specified by a user
Automaton - Reduces interface tedium by doing the little things for you[Img1]
AutoBar - automatically adds potions, water, food, quest and other items you specify into buttons for easy use[Img1]
Avbars - Graphical Timers for Events in AV and AB
Attack - Enable attack with /attack
AttackBar - Player and Enemy Swing Timer addon[Img1]
Addons for Vanilla - All the most needed addons (Last updated: 12 May 2018)
BattleShoutGlow - add a retail-like glow to battle shout as reminder[Dep][img1]
BananaBar - buttons to set raid symbols/hunter’s mark, target by symbol and many other features[Img1]
BearCastBar - A cool cast bar and swing timer that takes into account latency[Img1][Img2]
Beardleys-DiabloOrbsVanilla - is a backported Diablo like UI[Img1]
BetterScoreFrame - Better Battlefield Score Frame
BigBrother - addon to spy on your guild mates with!
BigWigs - Predicts certain AI behaviour [Img1]
BetterAlign - creates a grid on your screen to aid you in aligning and centering your UI
BetterBabelFish - Better bable talk between factions or not… whatever you like
BetterCharacterStats - More useful character statistics addon[Img1]
BGReport - shows HUGE pie-like menu with predefined macros when you’re in battleground zone[Vid1]
BladestormStopper - automatically remove the Ravager’s Bladestorm buff
Bongos - Creates customized action bars [2]
BuffBlock - Automatically removes selected buffs
BuffCounter - a frame that shows you either how many buffs you can still get or how many you have currently[Img1]
BuffHook - Shows enemy buffs by hooking WoW API’s UnitBuff(unitID, index) and adding buffs to it.
BuffReminder - Reminds the player when buffs have or will soon expire[Img1][Img2]
BuyPoisons - Buy Stacks of Poison Components
BonusScanner - Scans your equipment for cumulative bonuses like additional spell damage and sums them up
BossAlert - alert the guild and play a sound once something spawns under your mouse
BlackList - is like Ignore, except unlimited
BlizzMo - will move any Blizzard Frame and all your Bags
BlizzardPlates - adds cast bars, class and rank icons, debuffs and health numbers on the default blizzard nameplates[Img1]
Bloodrage - Provide a single button to put you in the “default” stance and activate Bloodrage
Boldi’s addons - tweaks to boldi’s addons
BSAlert - Notifies you when BattleShout is not up
Capslock - Warlock summon addon
CasterStats - CasterStats, adds the attribute Spell Dmg in the Character Panel (with hit & crit)[Img1]
CallOfElements - simplify totem usage and increase your efficiency in party and in PVP[Img1]
CallToArms - Group Hosting, Finding Addon [Fu]
carinachut - gold seller bots blocker
CatDruidDPS - One button feral druid dps
ChaosReserves - Self-service reserve managing chatbot
CharacterMap - Provides a virtual keyboard of higher-ASCII and Unicode characters which can be inserted into chat boxes
ChroniclesBuffAssignments - Automatically generates raid buff assignments that can be copy pasted in the chat
ChroniclesPI - Cast Power Infusion on people who request it via whisper
ChroniclesPTR - Gamemaster raid organization on PTRs
Chronometer - tracks spell effects (HoTs, DoTs, buffs, debuffs, etc.) that you cast[Img1][Img2]
Cartographer - is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map
Caterer - Auto-trades preset stack counts of water & food to players opening trade[Img1]
CerniesWonderfulFunctions - Script methods for using specific items and helping players create simple(er) macros
ColorPickerPlus - Hooks into the standard Color Picker to provide text entry for colors
ColorSocialFrame - Class Color Friends, Guild and Who List addon[Img1]
Cooline - cooldown mod that displays icons on a single bar/line to give you an idea of when it will be ready[Img1]
CombatIndicator - Shows a combat indicator next to the TargetFrame [Img1]
CooldownTimers - scans your spellbook/inventory for skills/items that are in cooldown and add them to bars[Img1]
CorpseInfo - Adds class, level, online status to the tooltip for a corpse
Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface
Classicdb - helps you to find ingame stuff and getting your quests done
ClassicMacros - Bringing retail macro commands to classic
ClassicSnowFall - Cast Abilities on KeyDown [2]
ClassicMouseover - Mouseover casting support for Vanilla
Classicaddons - Repository with a massive amount of AddOns (Last updated: 21 May 2016)
ClassPortraits - replaces 2D portraits with a class icon[Img1]
CMap - Backport of SexyMap[Img1]
CleanChat - Colorize names, shows level, shortens channel names and more
CleanPlayerFrame - Small enhancement for the standard player, target and party frames
Cleanup - This addOn automatically stacks and sorts your items[Vid1]
CleverMacro - Adds extra slash commands for use in macros
CCWatch - Enemy CC & DR progress bars with icons[Img1]
Chatsuey - A collection of chat enhancement addons
Crafty - Lightweight craft/tradeskill window[Img1]
Crapfilter - Blocks messages
CT BuffMod Sorted - A quick edit of CT BuffMod to sort buffs properly
CThunWarner - Provides information for C’Thun raids
CT UnitFrames - Changes display of hp/mana values and adds a percentage
CDFrames - Cooldown timers for player, target and targettarget[Img1]
ChatParse - parses the chat for given keywords
CustomNameplates - Nameplate addon [Img1][Img2]
CensusPlus - records details about the characters online on your faction’s side at the time of the polling[Img1]
ChatEmote - Chat emoticon to Emote Addon
ChatLog - Gives you the ability to view or copy/paste any chat logs
ChatTimestamps - Adds customizable timestamps to chat windows
CLog - API events logging[Img1]
CloseUp - Allows you to zoom, reposition, and rotate the UI’s built-in models so that you may get a better view
Channel monitor - addOn for monitoring the chat for specific keywords[Img1]
ChatFix - Fix for channels World, Trade, etc.
ChatBar - Button Bar for opening chat messages of each type
cyCircled - changes the look of various buttons (mostly action bar buttons)[Img1]
DankScore - a tool to choose the best items for your spec/gear
DebuffFilter - Filter out specific target debuffs and player buffs into a separate frame[Img1][Img2]
DebuffTimers - Timer Overlays for enemy buffs and debuffs[Img1][Img2]
DebuffListCheck - reporting to everyone using the addon which important debuffs are or are not applied
DevilsHunters - creates a BigWigs timer when a Devilsaur dies and tries to pick the correct location
DiivSkins - will “paint” auxiliary images onto the two dimensional pane of your user interface[Img1]
DisableEscape - Prevents the escape button from cancelling invites and summons
DiscordActionBars - Spreads your base 120 action buttons across 10 configurable bars
DispelBorder - Shows highlight border around enemy magic buffs[Img1]
Distance - shows how far your target is away, based on the spell ranges your class has[Img1]
DKPAuctionBidder - Small UI to bid in DKP Auctions created bySotA[Img1]
DKPList - display dkp values stored in the public guild note bySotA
Doomed - (DOOM UI) is for fans of the classic shooter Doom[Img1]
DouseReminder - Prints a reminder to douse runes in Molten Core to officer chat
DoTimer - is a vastly sophisticated DoT tracking addon[Img1]
DPEPGP - De Profundis EP/GP Loot System
DPSMate - combat analyzation tool [2][Fu][Img1][Discord]
DruidConsumable - Script method for Druid consumable usage with powershifting
DruidManaBar - Displays a mana bar when shapeshifted[Img1]
Decursive - Its job is to help a class that can remove debuffs[Vid1]
ExpandAssist - enabling the raid assist to do the same as an raid leader
ExoRaidSetup - allows a raid to share graphical representations of boss pulls
EzPoison - Rogue Poison Helper[Img1][Img2]
EasyCloak - Automagically equip Onyxia Scale Cloak when entering Nefarian’s Lair[Vid1]
EasyRess - Simplifies chain ressing and drinking
EasyLoot - addon to simplify raid loot distribution
EFCReport - Enemy Flag Carrier report tool[Img1]
Egnar - Show a range indicator for hunters[Img1]
ElvUI - User Interface replacement[Img1]
EQCompare - Compare equipped inventory items against items in chatframe hyperlink and bags/bank[Img1]
EQL3 - A reskinned Extended Quest Log addon inspired by TukUI[Img1]
EquipColor - colors unequippable items red in the inventory[Img1]
ETL - Exp Per hour/time til level addon[Img1]
EngBags - single bag / bank, the bank’s remote viewing (auto-sorting, etc.) [Img1][Img2]
EnemyFrames - display enemy players on BGs[Img1][Img2][Read]
EngInventory - AutoSorting Inventory Replacement[Img1]
EM_CritBam - EasyMachines CritBam Mod
EM Gatherer - displays stuff you gather in your minimap and world map [2]
EM MonkeyBuddy - Helps you configure your MonkeyMods
EM MonkeyQuest - Displays your quests for quick viewing
EM WoWQuote - Receives and transmits sound-quotes
EM Yatlas - Yet another atlas
EVTCalendar - Event Calendar AddOn[Img1]
EavesDrop - A simple combat log that displays events[Img1] [2]
eUI - is a small collection of interface addons[Img1]
ElkBuffBar - Tries to sort buffs into categories with pretty colors (Fails sometimes)[Img1]
eePanels - Create and modify background panels in your WoW UI
EPGPexport - Effort Points/Gear Points Loot System export tool
EzDismount - Dismounts you whenever “Cannot use while mounted” appear
EZ-EPGP - Displays EP/GP ratio in neat frame that can be sorted by clicking on headers[Img1]
FeralFire - Customizable WoW attack add-on for Cat Form Feral Druids
FocusFrame - Providesfocus targeting & frame support [Img1]
FocusFrame TargetCastbar - Adds an extra castbar for your current target
FelwoodGather - helps you and your team mate with felwood fruit gathering, location and timer management
FishInfo2 - keeps track of which fish you catch in each zone
FishingBuddy - Help with fishing related tasks
FollowMeEnhanced - Allows other players to put you on auto-follow.
FuBar BuffLeecherFu - FuBar-2.0 Plugin that logs you out once you get Onyxia or ZG buff
FuBar_PursueFu - Easily change tracking abilities in Fubar or standalone.
Fubar PossessionsFu - FuBar plugin for Possessions addon
FuBar ToFu - Flight time recorder
FuBar ZepMaster - ZepShipMaster FuBar Plugin
Fury - end game raiding addon to make Warrior combat easier
FreeBagSlots - Free bag slots counter[Img1]
FriendFinder - An addon that helps you find your old friends from other servers!